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Grand Kru County Chief Zoe Killed In Road Accident

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BARCLAYVILLE, Liberia- The town of Behwan was a scene of chaos and mourning where the Grand Kru County Chief Zoe was instantly killed.

Zoes are powerful leaders in Liberia’s traditional secret societies.

The chief zoe of the County, Matthew Saikay Tweh, Sr. death came some three days ago, when GVL oil palm truck taking palm to the Golden SIFCA mill in Pleebo instantly killed a motorcyclist and a female petite trader in Grand Kru.

The 69-year-old chief zoe was said to be a pressure patient who as always, went and collected his drugs from the JJ Dossen hospital in Harper, Maryland County.

When my father got his medication last Thursday, he spend the night with me here in Harper, then on Friday at 4pm he started his journey for Grand Kru,” Matthew Saikay Tweh,Jr. son of the late chief zoe explained.

It happened when the motorcycle carrying the chief zoe to Grand Kru was overtaking one Edward McIntosh trucks, a contractor hauling the Maryland Oil Palm Plantation palms to mill. The bike collided with the truck’s front Tyre from the rear.

One of the chief zoe’s daughters accompanying him is on critical list, as sources said the rider might give up the ghost due to extent of injuries sustained.

The late chief zoe Tweh was paramount chief of his home town, Poor River and the county chief wing at the same time.

He has left behind seventeen living children, 10 males and 7 females. The late chief zoe previously served the Liberian government of Liberia as a clan chief from 1995-2000 and Paramount Chief from 2000-2019, both positions were held without salary, Matthew Jr. narrated. He was appointed Chief wing in 2019, a position he held till his death.

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