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House Speaker, Cllr. Fonati Koffa Pledges Support To WASH Activities In The Country

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Speaker Fonati Koffa and WASH delegation pose for photo

By Alfred Kollie,

Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) has made a significant leap on the agenda of the House of Representatives as House Speaker Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa pledges not only his unflinching support to achieving sustainable WASH activities in the country but also joining the WASH legislative Caucus as a full member.

The speaker intimated that Liberia’s national and international commitments to the sector and the establishment of a WASH Standing Committee will be given keen attention under his leadership as Speaker of the 55th legislature.

The decision by the Grand Kru County District #1 Representative and leader of the Lower House of Parliament was taken on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 when an array of CSO, INGO and Chairman of the WASH Legislative Caucus, Grand Bassa County District Five Representative, Honorable Thomas A. Goshua paid a courtesy call on him at his Capital Building Office.

Representative  Goshua led WASH Legislative Caucus has been engaged by Civil Society Organizations and other WASH stakeholders in the country, stressing the need for the establishment of a WASH Standing Committee, which from sector-wide strategic analyses remains an indispensable response to the many challenges faced by the WASH Sector.

Last week the Caucus, through Representative Goshua received a resolution adopted by approximately eighteen civil society organizations and other WASH stakeholders under a USIAD sponsorship, calling for establishment of the WASH Standing Committee at the Legislature.  HHh

Styled Corina Resolution, it emerged from a WASH CSO and stakeholder engagement meeting organized by Compassion for Humanity (C4H) Liberia under its project titled ‘Legislative Engagement to Formalize WASH Caucus into Standing Committee.

The project is part of USAID sponsored Countywide Sanitation Activity (CWSA), which is managed by a consortium of International NGOs led by Population Services International (PSI). CWSA has a goal to permanently end open defecation in Liberia.

On Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at the Corina Hotel on 26th Street in Monrovia, the resolution was signed by several key civil society organizations including the National Civil Society Council of Liberia (NCSCL), Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY), Liberian National Student Union (LINSU), Mano River Youth Parliament, WASH CSO Network, etc.

But many CSO actors have described the move by Speaker Koffa as a responsible and timely as the WASH sector is faced with critical challenges ranging from limited political will to support regulatory enforcement to low budgetary appropriation.


‘’We, the undersigned CSOs and WASH Sector Actors attending a one day consultative meeting organized by Compassion for Humanity (C4H) Liberia, with  support from the USAID funded Countywide Sanitation Activity (CWSA) being implemented by consortium of International NGOs led by Population Services International (PSI), specifically focusing on result one: “Improved Sanitation Governance” of the CWSA, have unanimously committed to the advocacy campaign for the establishment of a Standing Committee on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in the Liberian Legislature as follows:

  1. That this petition is hereby formally submitted to the legislature to ensure that a Standing Committee on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene is established.
  1. That we will participate in Legislative Engagements to Formalize the WASH Caucus into a Standing Committee within the Legislature with priority of inclusive women, youth and persons in need of special attention as well as other vulnerable persons;
  1. That we will facilitate the works of the Committee to support WASH oversight and budgetary allocations at the national legislature for adequately meeting the needs of the country;
  1. That we will promote improved WASH/sanitation governance in the country for

reducing the burden of health and economic challenges on the citizens;

  1. That the WASH Committee will strengthen the national WASH policy communication to promote sector-wide behaviour change;
  1. That the national legislative WASH caucus secretariat be strengthened to ensure

continuous championing of WASH issues at the national legislature;

  1. That the government of Liberia, through the standing Committee, will ensure the

standardization and regulate activities of the WASH sector;

  1. That WASH CSOs, WASH Sector Consortium, and private sector stakeholders lead and support the Standing Committee’s establishment advocacy campaign at the national and sub national levels;
  1. That we will facilitate the activities of the WASH Committee to establish countywide WASH campaign for improved national and local water management, sanitation and hygiene behaviour change and practices in every part of the country.
  1. That the Government of Liberia as part of its ARREST agenda under the Sanitation pillar declares a national emergency on Open defecation and ensure an enabling environment for active private sector participation.

Done under our signatures on this 13th Day of February, A. D 2024 at Corina Hotel, 26th Street, Sinkor, City of Monrovia, and Republic of Liberia’’

But speaking at the one day CSO s and WASH Sector Actors Engagement Meeting, the Executive Director of Compassion for Humanity (C4H) Liberia H. Boweh Barduae said Water Sanitation and Hygiene WASH sector faces a number of challenges, ranging from “fragmentation of responsibilities” of state institutions with WASH roles, “weak policy enforcement”, “no standalone policy for sanitation”, “inadequate political will” among others.

According to him, the objective of the consultative meeting was  to  gather deeper insight into the causes of WASH sector challenges particularly fragmentation of responsibilities, absence of standalone policy, and regulatory authority and to share knowledge on amicable ways to respond to sector challenges through collaboration; to  deepen understanding on how oversight and fiduciary responsibilities through a Standing Committee at the level of the National Legislature remain pivotal to addressing sector challenges.

‘’As this consultation provides a better forum for renew engagement, we have the opportunity not only to get your feedback on the two presentations, but also have sober reflections and brainstorming on ways to enhance collaboration and coordination leading to the establishment of the Standing Committee on WASH at the National Legislature. Finally, let me say that coming together to have reflections and making commitment to advocate for the establishment of a Standing Committee on WASH at the National Legislature, we are influencing change for improved WASH governance in Liberia’’ He said.


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