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James Sirleaf, Son of Former Pres. Sirleaf Is Dead

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PHOTO: James Sirleaf

SOURCE: Daily Observer Newspaper

James E. Sirleaf, son of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has been found dead in his home in Monrovia, the Daily Observer newspaper reported today, Thursday, December 23, 2021.

Mr. Sirleaf had reportedly been sick for the last few days.

He was 64.

Mr. Sirleaf was also the former President of First International Bank Liberia now SIB Bank. 

Mr. Sirleaf had over two decades of experience in Banking and Finance, inclusive of assignments with Citibank/Citigroup Profit Center Management, Branch Operations, and Credit.

He held an MBA from the University of Liverpool, PG in E-Business from the University of Westminster England, and a degree in Business Administration and a partner at Monrovia Oil Trading Corporation (MOTC).

MOTC provided fuel support services and sales of refined petroleum products & lubricants to several major corporations in Liberia.

He was a remote former affiliate of AVIA Europe Department of AVIA Belgium, Belgomazout in Antwerp with an annual turnover of US$2 billion.

The corporation itself at the time ranged in daily accruals and monthly turnover between 2003 to 2012 of US$57 million annually.

The late James Sirleaf also served as Division Head of Corporate and Institutional Bank, United Bank for Africa (UBA) Liberia, General Manager Corporate and Institutional Banking at FIBank in Monrovia.

He also served as a high silhouette participant at Strasbourg, France World Forum for Democracy under the Council for Europe in October 2012, where he delivered an address on the impact of the World Economic and Financial Crisis in Weakening democratic institutions.

At the same time, he served as a Member of the Board of Directors of Blue Cross Insurance, Inc. in Monrovia, Liberia.

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