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Liberia Council Of Churches Gets New Leadership, With Rev. Reeves At The Top

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PHOTO: Newly elected LCC leaders (far right- Baptist cleric, Rev. Reeves)

By Augustine Octavius,

The 33rd general assembly of the Liberia Council of Churches has ended in Brewersville with the election of a new corps of officers to run the affairs of the council for a two-year term.

Those elected on white ballots are Reverend Dr. Samuel Reeves, President;  Bishop Samuel Quire,  First Vice President; and  Reverend Sandes Stapler, Second Vice President.

Rev. Reeves replaces the outgoing LCC President Bishop Kortu Brown.

Speaking shortly after his election, Reverend Reeves, who is also the President of the Liberia Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention, promised to lift the Liberia Council of Churches to higher height  so that it will better than how they met it.

According to him, the LCC needs structural reforms , so it is the time for all the members to work together  in order to meet prevailing challenges in the country

Dr. Reeves pointed out that the Liberia Council of Churches is the biggest  platform for integrity in the country and as such because : “ we are not coming to be  an enemy to the government nor we are   coming to dance to their drum beats.”

“We will remain engaged and partner in order to foster peace, reconciliation and development in the country.

Meanwhile, delegates at the  end of the 33rd general assembly of the Liberia Council of Churches have  adopted a number  resolutions  calling on the Liberian government uphold the constitution  and the respect for the rule of law

The delegates resolved ,among other things, that the Liberia Council of Churches remain engage with the Liberian government, relevant actors  and the international community  for the peaceful conduct of the presidential and legislative elections slated for 2023 in the country

The delegates also mandated the LCC national executive committee to review the constitution of the council and policies before the 24th general assembly.

The general assembly agreed that all duly qualified members of the LCC and new members be written a formal letter of acceptance and be duly certificated accordingly

The resolution read by Rev. Melvin Kennedy called on the council to work towards the Fellowship of Christian Churches and Council in the West Africa in order to address the growing insecurity in several countries in the West African region.

The general assembly which is under the theme: “ The Church and State Sustaining Peace , Justice and the Rule of Law,”   brought together the estimated number of 160 delegates of the Liberia Council of Churches from all over Liberia.

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