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Liberian Police Arrest Man For Alleged Sodomizing 16-Year-Old Boy

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PHOTO: Suspect Matthew Kerkulah

A 32-year-old man identified as Mathew Kerkulah has been arrested in Monrovia for allegedly Sodomizing a 16-year-old boy, the Liberia National Police (LNP) disclosed at the weekend.

Suspect Kerkulah is said to be a domestic staff working as security in the compound of the leader of the opposition Alternative National Congress (ANC), Mr. Alexander Cummings.

Sodomy is a crime in Liberian statute and this act has been steadily rising in recent times, as indicated by activists against Sexual and Gender Based violence.

According to the legal dictionary “Sodomy. In the law, the term sodomy refers to anal or oral sex, whether between a man and woman, two women, or two men, and was historically considered to be a criminal act.”

According to a press release signed by LNP Spokesman, Moses Carter, suspect Kerkula is currently in Police custody undergoing investigation.

So far, the arrested suspect has not publically given a reaction to the allegation against him.

Meanwhile, the 16-year-old victim of the alleged sodomy attack is in the care of his parents while the investigation continues.

Police say suspect Kerkulah will be duly charged and forwarded to Court to face the full weight of the law based on the outcome of the medical report.



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