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Local Energy Company In Liberia, MBH Power Assures Of Quality

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By Alfred Kollie,

The Country head of MBH power Parvez K. Handa has assured the Liberian government and citizens of meeting quality and safety standard in the country’s energy sector.

The MBH Power Limited ,which started operation in Liberia in 2015, refers to itself as a total energy solutions company providing world-class services to meet the growing demand of the powder sector in emerging markets.

The MBH Power Limited focuses on EPC solutions in transmission and distribution, metering and energy audit & turnkey solutions in conventional and non-conventional power generation.

According to Handa, the Company will maintain its entire standard in providing quality, affordable energy for its customers across Liberia for easy access to energy in Liberia.

Mr. Handa however maintain that lack of affordable electricity is one of the major factors responsible for power theft in Liberia noting that if majority or communities are connected the issue of power theft will be control.

He noted that nine communities project in Kakata, Margibi County is currently on going and the company in collaboration with International partners are working on new sub stations to come up soon for the Liberia and 18, 000 houses are expected to be connected with in the next one year period.

The Country head of MBH power Parvez K. Handa made the comment over the weekend, when his company was honored as the outstanding International Energy Engineering Company in Liberia 2020 by the Africa Watch Newspaper in Congo town outside Monrovia.

Mr. Handa thanked the West Africa Media Network the Africa Watch Newspaper for the outstanding award noting that the honored came as a surprise.

“It is an honored and privilege for MBH to be awarded this award for the best International  Engineering Company in Liberia, we assure you to maintain our quality standard and safety and work that has been happening in Liberia.”

According to him, over three hundreds Liberia are currently working with the company as part of the company to train local, empower and grow help in growing that country economy.

‘’I am happy here in Liberia the people are loving and the atmosphere ok and we feel comfortable operating in Liberia especially with professional people who we are working to improve the energy sector in the country,” he explained.

Today HMB power limited is currently operating in Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Niger, Tanzania, India, UAE and Singapore respectively since its establishment in 2004.

In remarks, the Managing Editor of the West Africa Media Network Joseph Wiah said the award is part of their editorial policy to honored institutions making positive impact in society through job creation, empowerment and

Mr. Weah explained that the editorial team took in to consideration the quality of work, safety measure and labor stability by the company among other things that enable them to have won the award among three companies that was short listed.

He urged the management to continue its quality services in Liberia in providing quality, affordable and accessible energy for Liberians.

The West Africa Media Network was founded in 2005 during the election period in Liberia to provide quality, balance, accurate and creditable coverage for the elections in Liberia


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