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NEC To Begin Announcing Provisional Results Thursday

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PHOTO: NEC Chair, Davidetta Browne Lansannah

By William Selmah,

The National Elections Commission has announced that it will conduct a rerun of elections at several identified precincts in Nimba, Gbapolu and Grand Gedeh Counties which failed to open on Election Day on December 8, 2020, but the Commission is due to begin releasing provisional results from other areas today, Thursday.

The precincts concerned are 33100 of Upper Nimba comprising 706 registered voters and 33052 also of Upper Nimba electoral District 2 with a total 290 registered voters.

Others are precincts 45039 comprising four polling places of 2021 registered voters of District 3 in Gbapolu and 15001 of District 3 in Grand Gedeh.

NEC Chairperson Madam Davidetta Browne Lassanah has disclosed that a rerun of those elections will take place in the coming days and that candidates and registered voters would be duly informed.

The NEC boss said “polling opened in most places on time and that counting of votes began immediately following the close of the polls in the presence of representatives of candidates, observers and the media”.

The elections are conducted Tuesday are expected to bring ion boardn 15 new senators to the Upper Chamber of the Legislature, with voters deciding on key propositions including whether or not dual citizenship becomes legal, reduction in the tenures of the president and vice president, among others.

The most hotly contested seat in the senatorial elections is Montserrado County, which draws the ruling coalition’s Thomas Fallah against incumbent Darius Dillon of the opposition Collaborating Political Parties (CPP).

Unofficial results announced by media houses put the opposition candidate clear ahead of his nearest rival.

Several opposition are also thriving in the leeward counties, according to unofficial results being announced by radio stations across the country.

NEC is to begin announcing provisional results beginning Wednesday, December 10, 2020.


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