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OPINION: The Ongoing Same-Sex Marriage In Liberia

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PHOTO: The Author

By Mark Neywon Menginfia,

I know that there are international instruments that the government of Liberia and other heads of States of Africa have signed unto, but are yet to have some of those international documents domesticated!

One of such is to protect those who practice same sex!

Let no one tell you lies, the government of Liberia has agreed to give protection to these kinds of people in our society, but one place they are finding it hard is how to tell Liberians that it is no sin, no problem for man or woman to have sexual intercourses on the opposite! And that it is the right of anyone in the borders of Liberia to openly practice same sex or homosexuality.

The Liberian government forgot to inform their international partners that there is a portion in their constitution that prohibits the act of same sex marriage! They made their partners to think that all is well with people of same-sex freely going on with what has been considered as “human rights”.

The fun about it is that because of fees for signature, they just signed not taking into consideration the society they came from.

Once, I attended a gathering wherein I was told that female genitals mutilation was very evil and should be abolished.

At that same gathering, they told us that same-sex or homosexuality was ones right!

One question I asked which made the organizers of said gathering to stop calling me to their events was,” did you know that God dislike this!? Did you know that it is because of this sin that God distorted two cities in Bible history?

In that gathering, I made the gathering to know that I was not going to promote any nonsense of such!!

One thing I have said to myself is that if it is because I have gone against the United States and other international people standings when it comes to same sex and because of that I will not leave from Liberia, let it be and let me grow old and die right here in Liberia! But I say that same-sex is a nonsensical nonsense that should not be welcomed in our society!

How in his world one group will tell us that our traditional practice is evil and what they are introducing as an option is evil then what they are speaking against!?

Relating to the recent video of a kid speaking nonsense with his month that he has no regrets being a homosexual and hearing from people who claim to be Christians including my media colleagues Abraham Kolleh Morris, Wade Williams and other friends calling on the school’s administration to reinstate him on grounds that the “kid” has a right is something I am yet to comprehend!

I am Mark N. Mengonfia, a Liberian Journalist- Secretary General of the Reporters Association of Liberia- I stand with the Church (school administration) for their sound decision!

I am sure that the school has a handbook and anyone who goes against said sanding of that Christian institution should face what the handbook says against said act!

Congratulations to the Church for being timely in their decision!

Remember, bad councils corrupt good manners?

Did you know that allowing that kid who has gone socially bank robbed among those kids whose parents or kid themselves do not see homosexuality as a human right is a threat!?

One thing that those who are passing around with nonsense in the name of human rights should be talking about is how that child rights of being a child was violated by who be his boyfriend!

Mark Neywon Mengonfia is a Liberian Journalist with over 13 years of practice in journalism. He is currently serving his colleagues as the Secretary General of the Reporters Association of Liberia (RAL).

Mengonfia is also a student of Mass communication at the African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU). 

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