AnnouncementLiberia Society

ORBITUARY: Funeral Service Of Korboi Howard, Age 34, Set For Saturday, April 13

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PHOTO: The late Korboi E. Howard

The Sainworla, Howard, & Clemens families announce that funeral service for the late Korboi E. Howard will take place on Saturday, April 13, 2024.

Korboi’s body will be removed from the Samuel A. Stryker Funeral Home on Saturday, April 13 at 8:30 Am and taken to the Lakpazee Community Church in the Airfield area in Sinkor for Wake-Keeping, which begins at 9 Am.

Following the period of wake-keeping, Funeral Service will follow at 10 Am on Saturday. Internment will take place at the Bensonville (Bentol) cemetery immediately after the funeral service in Sinkor, Monrovia.

The late Korboi E. Howard, age 34, was an employee of the National Port Authority’s Internal Audit and Account section. He previously worked with the Lone Star Cell GSM Company.

He died on March 28, 2024 at the JFK Memorial Hospital after a brief period of illness.

He leaves to mourn his loss, his mother Evon Sainworla, his father Eric Howard, his grandmother Kebeh N. Gbarr, his siblings Erica Howard and Richard Dolo, two sons Willie Howard and Hector Evin Howard, uncles (John Sainworla Sr., Frank Sainworla, & Oscar Banyanah), his aunts (Merma Sainworla, Garmai Edoho, Massa Clemens-Isaac (Joe), Edvida Neblett, Grace Norwo Howard), his fiancée Theodosia Howard, and a host of other relatives and friends in Liberia and abroad.  Funeral service will be announced later.

This announcement was brought in by Massa Clemens Isaac and Frank Sainworla on behalf of the family.


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