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SPORTS: Young Sports Administrator Appointed Acting Pres. Of Quincy Sports Association

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PHOTO: Tarnue Jallah, young sports administrator

By Jerome C. Willie, Jr.

In an effort to strengthen and revamp its sports association Quincy Sports Association has announced the appointment of a new leadership to steer the affairs of the team, with Tarnue Jallah

The announcement was made on the Club’s officially Facebook page through its Chief Executive Officer J.L. Quincy Smith on August 4, 2023.

The Margibi County upper-end sports association prior to J. L. Quincy Smith an acting leadership announced on 17 July 2023 to set a special committee to review the policy, set a date of a planned retreat and selection of new leaders that will manage the affairs of the association for the next two years.


This is a decision which saw the former president Dibari Donzo of the association resigning from the post due to what he referred to as for administrative reasons. But he later gave further explanation during one of the local community radio midweek sports show (Wednesday’s edition) on Radio Margibi 103.7Fm, when quizzed about his resignation.

“It is indeed true that I did posted a letter of resignation on my official Facebook page of my resignation from Quincy Sports Association; a decision that was very hard to take but it was indeed done for administrative reasons and most of all complete gross disrespect from the club’s CEO J.L. Quincy Smith,” said Mr. Donzo.

After several interventions from club’s officially on the decision of the association did not materialize the association accepted his resignation and wish him well in his next football journey.

In another development, the Association’s through its Chief Executive Officer J. Quincy Smith on 4 August wrote on the club’s official Facebook that reads ” In an effort to rebrand, regroup and bring back the spirit of togetherness and promote good sportsmanship, we are pleased to announce the following Officials:

Mr. Tarnue Jallah Vice President – Finance and Marketing, and Acting President, Quincy Sports Association

-Crusor Eretha Rennie – Vice President Administration and CEO Quincy Kickball Club

– A Aloysius Flomo – Vice President Operation

– Roland Michael Tarr Nyumah Secretary General

About Tarnue Jallah

The newly acting president Tarnue Jallah is not a novice to this association.  Previously, he served as the association’s vice president for administration for the junior football team.

The   25- year-old Jallah, prior to the position of vice president for administration to the junior team, he was a die-hard supporter of the association during his childhood days in Kakata.

In education, Jallah is a graduate of the Frances Mitchell Memorial Academy in Kakata and currently a student   at Cuttington Junior College & Barsiah-Giah Leadership School of Excellence.

Mr. Jallah is not only a sport administrator but rather he is involved in youth advocacy where serves as the chairmperson of the Margibi Youth for Transformation & Advocacy association and also chairs Team Barsiah-Giah in Margibi County.

Jallah becomes the association sixth president with its first president been the association CEO J. L. Quincy Smith.

An association that was established 2018 in Kakata,  Margibi County with a core value Obey and trust and becoming the first top-tier club from the Upper End to have a junior team and a kickball team.

Lawrence Pois, Emeric Clarke, Vee Kromah and Dibari Donzo are former president of the association.

In terms  of achievement Vee Kromah remains the first president in the association to win a trophy for the association despite been an off-season tournament named “Whose Owns Margibi County? but on the other hand Dibari Donzo’s leadership will forever be remembered in the association history by becoming the first president of the association to see the team clinching runner-up slot in the LFA- Margibi SubAssociation Third Division League and moreover qualifying for the first-ever playoffs; in addition ,his leadership style several players leaving the club and making headway on the domestic scene which include Samuel  D. Kollie from Quincy to One Goal Football Academy and later on to Gardnerville FC and Momo Blamo among others.

Tarnue Jallah’s first task is to see the association rebranding and moreover sees the junior and senior teams competing for championship in the upcoming 2023-2024 League Season of the LFA- Margibi SubAssociation Third Division and Community League.

Quincy Smith the first President, Lawrence Pios, Emeric Clarke, Vee Kromah and Debris Donzo.

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