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Students’ Dialogue forums reveal corruption deeply rooted in Liberia

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SACLEPEA Liberia–On the latest trail of the UNDP-funded youth focused anti-corruption sensitive forums DUCOR DEBATES has uncovered a startling revelation about the entrenchment of corruption in the Liberian society.

The anti-corruption series of the DUCOR DEABTES is being conducted by the Liberia Media for Democratic Initiatives, the owner and  facilitator  of THE DIALOGUE amongst students of dozens of schools in Bong and Nimba counties.

LMDI says the forums revealed that corruption is but an acceptable norm among school going young people with young people rather frowning at the right behavior against odd  or corrupt deeds.

During debate style forums organized at Gbarnga, Ganta and Saclepea in Bong and Nimba Counties, the LMDI observed high acceptance ratings for corrupt acts amongst students when it organized debates on the topic:

 “IS CORRUPTION GOOD, IF IT’S ACRUED BENEFITS ARE USED FOR THE SO-CALLED GOOD OF THAT EXPLOITED SOCIETY?) and grouped the students  schools into teams of two to defend for and against  CORRUPTION,  according to an LMDI press release issued over the weekend.

The LMDI says it watched and heard open applauses for defenders of corruption as good, if its proceeds are used for so-called public good by the benefactors and jeers or boos for general opponents of corruption even if the proceeds are used for so-called public good.

The LMDI says such discovery of open support for corruption only reveals the level of entrenchment of corruption within the Liberian society and unveils the need to tackle corruption from the bottom in the Liberia society.

“This show of support for corruption amongst children can only speak to apparent highest level of entrenchment amongst adult Liberians”, says JOHN KOLLIE, Director of the LMDI.

The LMDI believes that corruption should be tackled from childhood in Liberia if the country’s future must be saved from corruption as the menace eating up the fabric of Liberia, Africa’s first Republic.

The LMDI latest seriesof forum has brought together at least 1000 students across the three, towns, Gbarnga, Ganta and Saclepea in Bong and Nimba Counties and will head for the West of Liberia in the coming week.

With support from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP under the Strengthen Transparency Accountability, Oversight and Participation Small Grant 2017 Programme (STAOP),  this LMDI led forums under THE DIALOGUE and  DUCOR DEBATES  are seeking to raise public and stakeholders awareness through targeted media and community outreach blended  initiatives around transparency, Accountability and Integrity Issues across Liberia.

As ever the deliberations from the series of forums and subsequent ones in the coming weeks and months are being  broadcast on our partner network 45 National and Rural Community Radios around Liberia.

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