An outspoken Liberian student political activist, Martin K.N. Kollie has been elected Standard Bearer of Liberia’s oldest student political party, SUP at the University of Liberia.
According to a statement released in Monrovia on Thursday, SUP said Mr. Kollie, the Secretary General emeritus of the party, “wasas duly and democratically elected as our new Standard Bearer on Friday, January 4, 2019, after a rigorous scrutiny which is in conformity with our Constitution, Philosophy and Tradition.“

SUP has claimed that that the Liberian government is out to cause division in the ranks of the UL student leadership and that of the Liberia National Students Union (LINSU), something it has vowed to challenge.
“There is an ongoing conspiracy to undermine his leadership and we call on all students to stand with and by us in times like these. Except SUP, the government has succeeded in pocketing almost all independent youth and student organizations in the Country. SUP remains THE LAST HOPE. Currently, the government is sponsoring renegade and pro-regime groups to create crisis on the campuses of the University of Liberia in the name of calling for ‘elections’. We are already ahead of this glaring machination designed by agent provocateurs!”
At the same time, the oldest Liberian student political party “vehemently condemns the latest wave of attacks on the media by this government.”
In its statement received by on Thursday SUP says it “believes that the media must operate in a free and flexible space void of intimidation and harassment.”
Vanguard Student Unification Party
University Of Liberia, Capitol Hill –Monrovia
Cell #s: 0770174524/0770255670

Press Statement for Immediate Release
“Conscious Liberian youth and students, sons and daughters of the underprivileged and oppressed class of our society, militants and cadres of SUP, apologists of social justice and academic freedom, solidarity forces and ideological veterans, eminent statesmen and women, distinguished media practitioners, fellow Liberians in and out of this glorious Republic.
Since October 1970, history has bestowed upon us a compelling and nationalistic obligation to always remain the moral compass and fountain of consciousness throughout this Country. And we hold this sacred mission in high esteem. With this resilient sense of unhindered patriotism which continues to drive our collective inspiration and aspiration for a NEW LIBERIA, we shall remain in this pursuit of social justice, academic freedom, and peace.
We shall enviously safeguard this cherished legacy upon which we have a bonding commitment never to compromise or fall prey to any form of intimidation or inducement from fifth columnists, corporate thieves, petite crooks, and pro-regime capitalists. During these very difficult moments in our Country’s democracy especially when our Constitution is being callously and grossly violated by a President who took oath to protect it, the Vanguard Student Unification through its 29th Central Committee wishes all of you a happy and prosperous 2019 as we unite to save our State from collapsing in utter peril
Comrades and compeers, fellow Liberians, and distinguished members of the fourth estate, with the power in us reposed by the Central Committee, Politburo and General Congress concomitantly, I am overwhelmed to inform you that Secretary General emeritus Martin K. N. Kollie was duly and democratically elected as our new Standard Bearer on Friday, January 4, 2019, after a rigorous scrutiny which is in conformity with our Constitution, Philosophy and Tradition.
Comrade Kollie will now bear the Standard of our Party until the 30th Congressional Gathering of the Vanguard Student Unification Party. We call on all militants, veterans, students and Liberians to accord him the full courtesy and support as we remain overly confident in his ability to lead thousands of students with humility, integrity, acuity and loyalty. It has been observed in almost every corner that since comrade Kollie was elected Standard Bearer of our Party, this ‘pro-poor’ government has been unsettled and troubled about his ascendancy.
There is an ongoing conspiracy to undermine his leadership and we call on all students to stand with and by us in times like these. Except SUP, the government has succeeded in pocketing almost all independent youth and student organizations in the Country. SUP remains THE LAST HOPE. Currently, the government is sponsoring renegade and pro-regime groups to create crisis on the campuses of the University of Liberia in the name of calling for ‘elections’. We are already ahead of this glaring machination designed by agent provocateurs!
It can be recalled that SUP has been consistently calling on administration to conduct popular democratic elections since 2013. Sadly, every effort in this regard has failed. SUP believes in democracy and would appreciate elections when established structures and procedures are put in place and followed in line with the existing MOU that gave birth to the University of Liberia Student Interim Leadership (ULSIL). According to the MOU, it is ULSIL that has the authority to conduct elections after a thorough review and adoption of the ULSU’s Constitution through Referendum. We must uphold THE LAW and adhere to all PROCEDURES. Even if we have elections 1,000,000 times, SUP will but win but THE RIGHT THING must be done.
We know that the overriding motive of this rash call for elections is sinister. SUP will vehemently oppose any premature call for elections which is embellished in a well-designed plot that is mainly being orchestrated by government since the ascendancy of comrade Martin K. N. Kollie as Standard Bearer of our Party. Why they could not join SUP to call for elections since 2013? Why now if we may ask? The voices of these detractors and cynics have become so lousy only because comrade Kollie is about to assume the Presidency of ULSIL/ULSU which they see as a threat. This is their real fear! But they have no choice because the Presidency of ULSIL exclusively belongs to SUP according to the current interim arrangement. Furthermore, there must be an existing structure in line with this agreement before any election can be conducted. We are ready to defend this with our teeth, sweat and blood. The government must refrain from instigating potential chaos and violence at the State-run University.
Fellow Liberians and conscious students across our Republic, yesterday we listened to one of the auxiliaries of the CDC Youth Wing calling itself LINSU. The Liberia National Student Union (LINSU) we knew is no more and we call on all students from high schools and institutions of higher learning to give no credence or recognition to any pro-regime LINSU because those claiming to be ‘leaders’ of LINSU are puppets, junkies, and regime stooges who have no ideas about the people’s revolution. They are sellouts, idol worshippers, and neophytes who care more about what goes in their deep pockets from the new ruling clique. When last have they spoken on any serious issue affecting students and Liberians in general?
This CDC LINSU cannot represent us. It will interest you to know that all ‘leaders’ of this CDC LINSU, who have become regime puppets, came to power on white ballot through a 4G and an undemocratic process. ULSU as the largest constituent member of LINSU does not recognize this dubious arrangement. Therefore, we now officially announce the establishment of a paralleled organization named and styled “The Liberia National Conscious Student Union (LINCSU)” which will now represent the full interest of all students across Liberia. The full leadership structures for various counties, high schools and universities/colleges will be released shortly.
We call on all our international and national partners (INGOs and NGOs) not to do any business with CDC LINSU because majority of Liberian students do not recognize it due to its dubious and sycophantic nature. Fellow Liberians and members of the Press, SUP vehemently condemns the latest wave of attacks on the media by this government. SUP believes that the media must operate in a free and flexible space void of intimidation and harassment. We will stand with the media any day, anyhow, and anywhere. We assure all journalists of our fullest support during these very difficult times. Additionally, SUP will hold a mass rally on this Friday, January 11, 2019 and we call on all militants, ideologues, students, solidarity forces, and sympathizers to turn out en masse.
Long Live SUP – Long Live Massescracy. In pursuit of social justice, academic freedom and peace, the STRUGGLE for an equal and a just society remains unceasingly progressive. “
Signed ________________________________ Approved: _________________________
Cde. S. Ephraim T. Nyumah Cde. Carlos Tingban Edison
Secretary General, SUP Chairman, SUP