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Using Christian churches as “money making business”-Liberian Cleric warns

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Christian congregations/churches crop up often around Liberia with many of them becoming “a money making business,” critics say.

Besides, many of the preachers are engaged in selling “holy water and holy oil” for US$20 or more. Some are said to be even framing their portrait to be purchased by members of their congregations to be worn on their bodies or displayed in their homes.

A member of one of the mushrooming churches, who preferred not to be named, says “God’s words are on sale daily”.

Many of these preachers are preoccupied with preaching prosperity messages and not the real message of salvation on how sin-prune people can be saved or how to live a holy life for Jesus Christ.

The founder and general overseer of the Creative Voice Ministries International, Pastor Theophilus S.B Sarvice too believes the 21st century churches or preachers in Liberia “are hiding the real message of God.”

Instead, he said they are telling members how they get rich, marry or travel aboard and miracle babies or husbands and wives.

Pastor Sarvice has challenged Christians to be mindful about “false prophets or spirit of the anti-Christ.”

He said the spirit of the anti-Christ is black-faming, false and misleading which Christians should observe before entering a place of worship.

His warning was contained In a sermon delivered recently under the theme: ‘’the Origin of the anti- Christ’’ taken from Revelation 13: 1-5, 17:15.

The Christian cleric urged Christians to be watchful of false spirit and false prophets who he said will come in the form of the anti- Christ.

‘’Beloved do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are of God; because many false prophetess have come out in to the world but by this you will know the spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God,’’ Pastor Sarvice said.

‘’We as Christian must test the spirit to know if it is a real spirit of God or false spirit before bowering down to worship,’’ he noted.

According to him, ‘’many are lie to today as a result of where they go for prayers, solutions, and for miracle or to see vision for individuals.

The anti-Christ will appear in a form of human but carry the DNA of the beast, which will deceive many believers, he noted.

‘’We have agents of the beast around us today in many churches edvance by teaching of some preachers and the opening of many church or what they call prayers band,’’ Pastor Sarvice explained to his congregation.

He said most believers are now following sings and wonder and leaving the real message of God, something he said is affecting the church in the 21st century.

Churches are betrayed today as a result of power from the anti Christ, where preachers go and collect power to perform miracle and maintain their members and for money making things.

According to him, ‘’not many willing to hear the truth words of God but rather running after prosperity, miracle husband, wife, jobs but not ready to follow Christ in truth’’.

The local cleric observed that many churches or individuals are not on fire as a result the church become cool without the power of God seen in churches.

He claimed that churches today are filled with boyfriends and girlfriends without the fear of God, something he believed is responsible for the weakness in churches in Liberia.

By the end times, many will easily be deceived and embrace the antichrist because his spirit will already dwell within the world.

The Bible speaks of a mysterious character called the antichrist, the false Christ, the man of lawlessness, or the beast.

Scripture doesn’t specifically name who the antichrist will be, but does give us several clues as to what he will be like. By looking at the different names for the antichrist in the Bible, we gain a better understanding of the kind of person he will be. Report by Alfred Kollie

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