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Nearly US$20K AML Market Project From Social Development Fund Risks Being Abandoned

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In Grand Bassa County Due To Disagreement Over Land Ownership

PHOTO; (L-R) Gargar Town and So Town 

Story Written By: Sylvester O. Dobson,; 0776536206/0886455871

WEE STATUTORY DISTRICT, Liberia- In Grand Bassa County, St. John, Compound 3, Barcolee and Nee-Wenie communities are directly affected by Arcelor Mittal Liberia (AML) mining and logistical operations and thus, are entitled to 20 percent of the one million US dollars annual allotment to the county.

Each year, the 20 percent is deducted by AML and spent on projects resolved by these communities.

This 20 percent is believed to amount to Two Hundred Thousand United States dollars from the 1 million USD for the 4 affected communities in this southern coastal County.

Over the years, the prescribed 20 percent intended for the affected communities did not take effect until the CDC government of President George Weah came to power, pushed by current members of The Bassa Legislative Caucus who advocated for the deduction of the 20 percent from the 1 million USD.

            Gargar Town

As a result of this, the company mandated the local authorities of the four affected communities to conduct their “District Sittings” to make decision on what projects they would want their share of the 20 percent.

During the first County sStting held in Wee Statutory District, Grand Bassa County held in 2020, the people of Leegba Chiefdom resolved that their share be used for the construction of a market building within Leegba Clan, particularly Du-wein community.

Wee Statutory District Superintendent madam Mamie Duen Moore and some executives of Arcelor-Mittal Liberia conducted a consultative meeting in Du-wein community in order to reach a decision on where the market would be constructed.

The meeting ended with no outcome due to disagreement over which part of Du-wein community the market should be built.

Our investigation established that the disagreement over the selection of Gargar Town spot where the market structure is built and completed is that So-Town citizens who were in the meeting alleged that the land across Du creek where the market is built is owned by the Barseegiah Family, and additionally, with a Poro Society very close to the market site in Gargar Town.

The other group supporting the market construction in Gargar Town alleged that the So-Town spot is also at the center of a Sande Bush, and they argued further that the spot is situated on a steep hill not ideal for a market place.

The disagreement remained unresolved by authorities of the district while other citizens including marketers have built some market structures on the other side to So-Town while Gargar Town market has since been completed not attended by citizens.

It would approximately take 8 minutes by walk from So-Town to Gargar Town where the building has been constructed.

The Senior elder of Leegba Clan, elder John Kwekai believes the elder who represented the citizens in the meeting that resolved to construct the market in Gargar Town miss represented the clan, adding that David Mon-wrayne who was considered to be the senior elder of the clan and made the decision for Garghar Town during the meeting does not represent the general interest of the citizens of Leegba clan.

Meanwhile, our investigation established contact with the development superintendent, Madam Maime D. Moore, and she clarified, “who am I to make decision in favor of minority group of the people, adding that Jerry David, Du-wein town chief and those in attendance during the meeting were the ones who chose David Mon-wrayne to represent the people of the clan in the selection of the market spot. I have document evidence to substantiate my claim”.

We also established that the Development Superintendent Madam Mamie Duen Moore chose elder David Mon-wrayne to represent the citizens and make decision on behalf of the people during the meeting organized by Arcelor-Mittal Liberia and Superintendent Mamie D. Moore for the market location.

Elder John Kwekai disclosed further “the decision that took the market in Gargar Town does not reflect the unanimous view of the citizenry of Leeggba Clan, and as such we are calling on the government to revert to status quo so as to avoid a situation of the market being abandoned by the citizens and not achieving the purpose which the market was constructed”.

However, all efforts exerted to get the side of elder David Mon-wrayne did not materialize.

The District Representative, Vicent S. T. Willie, II, on October 28, 2022 organized a meeting with the aggrieved parties aimed at settling the matter, but the meeting didn’t materialize when the So-Town group boycotted the meeting and expressed their dissatisfaction over the manner in which they said the matter was handled by the district law maker.

They alleged that they were never given the opportunity to explain in detail their side of the story, rather, the same David Mon-wrayne whom they rejected as their elder was chose by the Representative to explain on their behalf, thereby making them to feel cheated in the discussion aimed at resolving the dispute.

Responding to the allegation made against him by the people in favor of the So-Town spot, Representative Vicent S. T. Willie, II, noted that indeed there is a divide  between the two communities and maintained that the dispute hasn’t been resolved.

He acknowledged that the District Development Superintendent had meetings with the two communities that resolved the consideration of Gargar Town spot.

Representative Willie said, “I tried to settle the matter through community engagement in several ways but it did not materialize. My office will keep making efforts to resolve the matter so that the facility can be used by our people”.

The Gargar Town Market contract was awarded to a construction firm named ‘Shower’s of Blessing Construction Company” with the project cost put at USD$19,996.51

Given the significance of the 20% to communities affected by Arecelor-Mittal Liberia operations especially in Grand Bassa County, it is key for leadership of Wee Statutory District to resolve this matter.

Since its dedication on April 19, 2023, September 19, 2023 made it five (5) months of abandonment by the citizens.

The World leading Steel and Mining Company, and one of the largest mining projects in West Africa, Arcelor-Mittal Liberia entered the Liberian market in 2005 realizing the potential of the country’s rich mineral resources. The company’s Mining Development Agreement since 2005 has undergone two amendments as a way to improve critical areas that include healthcare, education, training and development. A particular portion of the company’s Mineral Development Agreement speaks to benefits for affected communities affected by the company’s operations in Nimba, Bong and Grand Bassa Counties.

According to the mineral development agreement, Arcelor-Mittal Liberia will remit 20% directly to beneficiary communities within the vicinity of the iron ore mine, port and along the length of the railroad in Nimba, Bong and Grand Bassa Counties through the implementation of various projects.

It is stipulated in the Arecelor-Mittal Liberia Agreement that Nimba County receives 1.5 million, Bong 500.00 and Grand Bassa County 1 million USD annually.

These amounts have been annually given to the counties since 2005. Even though there was reduction in the amount due to global slum in the price of iron followed by the outbreak of the deadly Ebola Virus and COVID 19 pandemic which disrupted economic activities across the World.


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