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Popular Sinkor fruit seller gets CNDRA donation

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By Alfred Kollie

Monrovia- People commuting along the 12th Sinkor suburb of Monrovia would see a woman behind a wooden table every day selling fresh fruits and vegetables. She is 20-year-old Miss Helena Kezele, who earn a living from this line of business,

But her persistence in supplying people in fresh fruits and vegetable has not gone unnoticed by authorities of the Center for National Documents and Records Agency (CNDRA).

On Thursday, the CNDRA family demonstrated concern for Miss Kezele’s efforts to make ends meet in an honest fashion by donating to her a beautifully designed steel table stand on wheels valued at US$200 to sell her fruits on.

The steel table stand donated to Miss Kezele by the CNDRA

The Archive Center’s authorities say this is an interpretation of the Pro-Poor Agenda by donating a mental steal table to a local fruits seller valued over two hundred United States dollars on 12th street Sinkor in Monrovia.

CNDRA’s Director General C. Neileh Daitouah said the Pro-Poor Agenda is intended to take people from mat to mattress.

He said his management saw the need to augment the efforts of Miss Kezele, a struggling Liberian fruit seller by providing a new steel table with a roller.

‘’We appreciate your commitment to enhancing yourself in making ends meet for survival by carrying this wooden table from one point to another daily,” Mr. Daitouah said.

“We feel the need to promote your endeavor by donating this steal table that has a roller to help take your fruits from one end to another without difficulty,’’ said the Director General of the National Archive Center.

The CNDRA Director-General thanked the local fruit seller for her hard work and commitment to women empowerment.

CNDRA is clothed with the statutory mandate to register and process legal instruments including marriage certificate, and as well the custodian of all national documents and records. 

Receiving the donation, Miss Kezele lauded the CNDRA family recounting the donation as one of the most significant gifts received in 2018.

‘’I am feeling very proud and happy for the kind gesture,’’ she said.

The twenty-one-year-old local fruits seller, who usually struggles to take a plank table from one place to another, assured the CNDRA Boss that the gesture will be used for the intended purpose.

Sinkor fruit seller Miss Kezele (middle) pose for photo with CNDRA family

‘’for the past nine years, I have been struggling with this plank table, CNDRA is the first government entity that has donated a mental steal to me’’.

Miss Helena Kezele concluded by saying ‘’not many officials of government find it befitting to identify with the struggling seller of my kind’’.

It is hoped that other individuals or institutions will see the need to give even minimal assistance to petty traders or other Liberians on the streets and in communities who are daily trying to earn an honest living from their trade.

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