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Traditional Healer allegedly killed by one of his patients in Bong Co.

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Reports from Gbonyea, Menquelleh Clan, Sanoyea District in lower Bong County say a patient, allegedly suffering from mental illness, has allegedly killed his traditional healer/herbalist. 

Bong County is situated in central Liberia, more than 165 kilometers from Monrovia.

The mentally ill man was taken from Kpaiyequelleh, a town in Gbarpolu County to the herbalist, Flomo Morton in Gbonyea for treatment.

According to the report quoting a relative of the deceased, the Reverend Anthony S. Mulbah, the incident happened when the deceased had just returned from his farm. While eating, the mentally ill patient asked him for some of food but the traditional healer told him to wait until he was in which his healer told him wait until he was finish eating. 

But Rev. Mulbah said the healer’s postponement of the mentally ill man’s request for food was not accepted, as he grew out of patience and then took a cutlass and hit the herbalist on his head, killing him instantly.

Prior to the arrival of mentally ill patient from Kpaiyequelleh Town, Gbapolu County, the herbalist who is said to have great  healing history in Gbonyea Clan, had advised his patient not go around his relatives whom he had conflict with over timber issue. But he is said to have refused to adhere to the advice of the herbalist.

One report says it observed that on the day of the incident, the herbalist’s patient was seen visiting the same family whom he was advised not to visit. 

After the violent incident, police and community dwellers managed to have arrested the mentally ill man who alleged killed the herbalist. Report by Garmah Never Lomo

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